
Showing posts from 2022

There are no bad days...

But there are some that stand out. We're thankful to get to do what we do.  

The future is bright...


Mesquite Bay Oyster Reefs - Preserved by TPWD!

UPDATED 11/3/2022 The TPWD Commissioners voted on November 3rd, 2022 to adopt the TPWD proposal and close these reefs to commercial harvest permanently. A big win for mother earth today! Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible. -- There are so many reasons to preserve these vital resources that go way beyond fishing. The reefs have been damaged by storms and recent overharvest. A proposal from Texas Parks and Wildlife will close these reefs to commercial fishing to allow them to recover before it is too late. Once a reef loses too much of its vertical structure it is almost impossible for it to recover naturally.  Learn more from  CCA Texas  and  Flatsworthy Texas  here. Public comment is open until November 2, 2022, right here.  TPWD Public Comment Watch the series of informative videos here.  Flatsworthy on YouTube Hear the perspective of a respected professional guide, Jay Watkins here.  "Are we going to lose this?" Thank you for your help

Current events.


What's next?

 Something cool is coming to Deacon's Point. Stay tuned...



Just around the corner...


Something to think about...

This is a bigger problem than I realized. Our bays oyster reefs are being "overgrazed" and it is going to cause real problems. It will take decades to recover if it's not addressed. Learn more from CCA Texas here and from Flatsworthy Texas here Get involved, lend your voice, and help out!